Author: khayek (Page 4 of 4)

Welcome to my first blog!

I am currently a second-year student at the University of Victoria, studying in the Elementary Education program. The cohort I was assigned to seems like a great group of people who I'm excited to be spending the rest of the year with. It's a diverse yet inclusive team that isn't competitive, but instead quite encouraging and carries the value of teamwork very highly. When I'm not at school I enjoy hiking, reading, running and hanging out with friends. Ultimately a day off for me consists of sweatshirt and sweatpants, curled up in a blanket watching a movie on the couch. After our first elementary school visit as a student teacher, I now look forward to Wednesdays as it has quickly become the highlight of my week. My enjoyment toward visiting the schools only confirms that I have chosen the right program and profession. Can't wait for what is to come in this second year at UVIC.

Update #2

For tonights dinner I went with a more basic approach, I rarely eat breakfast at my house because every morning I am out the door by 7:50am, this leads to all my breakfast food items being used for dinner!! In this picture I decided to challenge myself with executing the perfect technique for all the simplest foods. This means for the eggs, cooking them at the perfect heat where they dont overcook and become rubber and arent runny and become possibly poisonous! The trick for eat of the ingredients was also to salt and pepper the perfect amount which I have always found a challenge for cooking. As for the vegeterian sausages, it was knowing the balance of crispy on the outside without drying it out. Overall this meal ended up being a 9/10 with the saltness level being a 10!

Intro/Update #1

For my free inquiry topic I have decided on testing my abilities by challenging my skills of a chef. I have never had to cook by myself before, which is more common then one would think. When parents cook it only makes sense for them to provide enough for the whole family. Therefore the opportunity to cook has never been presented to me and as a high school student plus being involved with after school clubs and sports teams, I never had the time to even begin to learn how to cook. Over the summer, while transitioning into year 2 of post-secondary education I didn’t have time to learn how to cook since I was working full time and whenever I got home it was past dinner, closer to midnight! Therefore I chose the challenge of trying something new to cook every few weeks to continue to develop my cooking abilities. This weeks recipe I gave a try was just a classic veggie burger on the barbeque (which I have never used before!), sauteed mushrooms with wine, chicken broth, onions and garlic. Lastly I made sauteed spinach with onions. Overall I would rate this a 8/10 for my first time, the burger was slightly charged and the spinach was a tad too peppery but only room for improvement.

September 23rd reflection

This class discussion was based on twitter and learning about the twitter board. The presentation was about how teachers and principles each use it as a tool to connect and share ideas/strategies/information with each institution. It also is a valuable website for new teachers as ideas for decorations of the classroom or even a specific lesson that worked well in the class are posted on this cite. Afterwards, we created our groups for the tech inquiry presentation required for us to perform at the end of the semester. Each member joined a trello board and assigned roles of duties necessary for each individual in order to complete the project. My specific group is basing the project on the topic ‘how does social media and technology effect the mental health of youth’. I have also landed on a free inquiry project topic which I decided to focus on challenging my cooking ability (since I have nearly zero experience in the kitchen). This will not only complete my free inquiry, but hopefully in the end, allow me to develop skills of becoming a better chef that will last me the rest of my life.

Class Reflection #1

In todays class we had a guest speaker from UVIC come in to discuss the opportunities available on campus at the McPherson Library. All these programs are free to students and very easily accessible, with the main goal of the programs to inform and assist with any struggles one may face with technology, and/or those who are just curious on the topic. They are also implemented to help get away from the idea that if something is challenging, then give up and stop trying. Instead, they are trying to provide support and turn the failures into learning obstacles to get past peoples anxiety of computers.

Afterwards our professor went in depth about security options and how everything we do in the classroom with privacy is up to our limitations. We only have to put out on the internet what we are comfortable sharing. She also provided us with options like twitter, but ensured that everyone knew it was optional and not mandatory and she understood how each student has a different level of privacy.
Overall, the professor made the class a safe, inclusive space with regard to staying within the individuals in the classes comfort zone.

First of Many

Welcome to my first blog!

I am currently a second-year student at the University of Victoria, studying in the Elementary Education program. The cohort I was assigned to seems like a great group of people who I’m excited to be spending the rest of the year with. It’s a diverse yet inclusive team that isn’t competitive, but instead quite encouraging and carries the value of teamwork very highly. When I’m not at school I enjoy hiking, reading, running and hanging out with friends. After our first elementary school visit as a student teacher, I now look forward to Wednesdays as it has quickly become the highlight of my week. My enjoyment toward visiting the schools only confirms that I have chosen the right program and profession. Can’t wait for what is to come in this second year at UVIC.

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