Category: class blogs

Class Reflection Nov. 25th

The guest speaker today was focused on coding. Directly at the beginning of the presentation, the speaker made it clear that the teachers do NOT need to be experts on this subject, but they need to be able to know how to use it and possibly integrate it into the classroom, even if it is only in a small way.

Hands-on portion: For the game, I chose I decided on the Scratch app. This was my choice because, at my Wednesday visits, the teacher and class I am observing are working on Scratch right now. Most of the kids have already played this game and are nearly experts on the game. Whereas me in this class attempting to make my ’Sprite1’ either say hello or move is a challenge in itself. This shows how advanced the new generation is concerning technology and coding. Even while the Scratch game instructions were being taught by the teacher on Wednesday’s visit, some of the students knew how to make more advanced commands and adjustments to there scratch story. I would defiantly love to incorporate this game into my class, however, the game can take a turn as individuals can design their characters and even add fake blood to there character. They can also make it so the character attacks another character which would be linked to violence which may pose a problem with parents if students go home and discuss this part. Overall, there are negatives and positives to using this as it gets the students to start to develop their cognitive thinking.

October 7th class reflection

The focus of todays class was the use of technology and how to gain a better grasp and comprehension of how to use the internet safely and online presence. Most of the big topics that had my classmates dropping there jaw I was already made aware of when during my grade 12 year of high school, a technology expert came to my class to say a similar speech. He made us aware of the privacy agreement we accept when we sign up for instagram, facebook and especially snapchat. How eventually snapchat will sell and all the photos we believe had disappeared after ‘x’ amount of seconds, will be in the highest bidders hands. However, this presentation today differed as it educated me on the positives that can occur from using technology in the classroom. The main idea that stuck with me was the idea of growing with the children so they can discover what is safe to post and how to use the internet in an appropriate matter. Eventually students will surpass the teacher with staying up to date with the latest technology and at that point one can only hope that they’ve passed on enough of their own knowledge to let the future generation succeed and thrive.

September 23rd reflection

This class discussion was based on twitter and learning about the twitter board. The presentation was about how teachers and principles each use it as a tool to connect and share ideas/strategies/information with each institution. It also is a valuable website for new teachers as ideas for decorations of the classroom or even a specific lesson that worked well in the class are posted on this cite. Afterwards, we created our groups for the tech inquiry presentation required for us to perform at the end of the semester. Each member joined a trello board and assigned roles of duties necessary for each individual in order to complete the project. My specific group is basing the project on the topic ‘how does social media and technology effect the mental health of youth’. I have also landed on a free inquiry project topic which I decided to focus on challenging my cooking ability (since I have nearly zero experience in the kitchen). This will not only complete my free inquiry, but hopefully in the end, allow me to develop skills of becoming a better chef that will last me the rest of my life.

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