Tonight’s dish was thai themed/inspired and I believe I did the thai cuisine justice. I decided that I was going to combine two recipes that I had come across online and make a coconut thai shrimp and rice dish. The dish’s main focal point and majority of flavour came from the sauce so I knew I needed to successfully execute this. It started with using the largest pan I could find in my house and adding oil then proceeding to heat up the pan. Then I minced 5 cloves of garlic and finely cut up a full onion which I then added to the pan with some freshly shredded ginger. After that began cooking I added a full can of coconut milk which I let simmer and almost bring to a boil. Next, I added some crushed tomatoes and a lot of lime to keep the acidity balance at par to what typical thai dishes are. The recipes called for cilantro in both to add an element of earthiness, however, I find cilantro tastes like dish soap so I substituted this ingredients for something similar I already had in the fridge. The only thing I had was the leaves/stems of the carrots. This ended up working out perfectly as they added a bit of a bitter element that brought the whole dish together. I chose brown rice instead of white rice to add a nutty flavour aspect to it. As for the shrimp I kept it plain and simple with just cooking it with some chicken broth to keep them moist and juicy since they were going to be mixed into the sauce. After everything was stirred together and the prawns soaked up the flavours from the sauce I added them onto the bed of rice and squeezed a quarter of a lime onto the entire dish. Rating of this dish 10/10.